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School Fund Contribution


In terms of tradition, achieving academic excellence, respect for religious belief, the quality of interpersonal relationships, pastoral support and student happiness, St Bernard’s is a very wealthy school. However, our school’s buildings require a significant financial contribution from parents to maintain the physical environment to the standards we expect for our students. The school is very efficient and spends its income wisely in order that each student benefits and makes excellent progress in their studies, realising their dreams, aspiration and ambitions.   

The Governors are continually exploring ways to improve the educational provision at St Bernard’s and much excellent work has been undertaken in the recent past in enhancing the ICT and study facilities for the Sixth Form. We have also been able to provide new facilities including our new School Café and refurbish Science labs, repurpose outdoor spaces including the creating our new Multi User Games Area (MUGA).  

In order to continue to make further improvements, I would like to recommend a minimum voluntary contribution of £50 per month or £150 per quarter from parents. I quite understand that, while some parents may contribute more than the suggested amount, other parents are financially unable to do so. The school values any contribution families can make.

Hear are some simple ways to contribute:-

  • Set up an online regular payment schedule direct with your bank/building society - bank details shown below.
  • Make voluntary contributions via your ‘ParentPay’ account here.   

The school has charitable status and as such is able to claim back the tax on Gift Aid donations. Gift Aid is a government scheme that allows us to reclaim the basic rate tax you pay as a UK taxpayer. It means that we can claim 25p of tax for every £1 you donate at no extra cost to you. This will greatly increase the funds available, all you need to do is complete the Gift Aid declaration here Gift Aid Declaration Form

Thank you for financially supporting St Bernard’s; your assistance is greatly appreciated by the staff and governors and will make a great difference to the educational experience of all students.

If you have any questions then please do contact our School Business Manager via email 

Why not access your online banking and setup a simple bank transfer to our bank? 

Here are our bank details:

St Bernard’s Catholic Grammar School Fund

Lloyds Bank, PO Box 1000, BX1 1LT

Account Number: 34518260

Sort Code: 30-97-73

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